Objective: In this assignment, you have to implement the dynamic programming based algorithm for the RNA folding problem
Task 1:
To implement the Dynamic Programming Algorithm to predict the secondary structure of a RNA. Please note that you should not implement any other algorithm but the one explained in class. [10]
Task 2:
Run your algorithm on at least 5 different RNA sequences. You can use the data available on RNAcentral. Compare your algorithm’s result with the actual secondary structure provided on this website. [10]
Task 3:
Record your experimental results along with the documentation of algorithm. Develop HTML pages to document the results produced by your code, issues in coding, general discussion on the algorithm, timing analysis, references, and any other remarks. [7]
Task 4:
Code documentation. [3]
Extra Credit:
If you can visualize your secondary structure in 2D using your own algorithm and code, you will earn an extra credit of 3 marks.