

Stores information about an RNA molecule: the sequence string containing bases in a sequence, and the dot bracket structure, which contains information about how the bases pair up.

struct Sequence


Reads the input sequence file and uses the ViennaRNA package to compute the dot bracket structure for the RNA sequence.

FILE* getRnaFoldOutput()

Reads the input file containing the RNA sequence. Runs the RNAfold command.

Parameters: (none)
Return: FILE* - the file stream variable.

struct Sequence getSequenceAndDotStructure(FILE* pipe)

Extracts the RNA sequence and the dot bracket structure from the output of the getRnaFoldOutput() function and creates a struct instance to store that information.


Return: struct Sequence - the instance of the Sequence struct conataining the sequence string and the dot bracket structure.

struct Sequence getSequenceDetails()

Calls getSequenceAndDotStructure(FILE*) and returns the struct instance.

Parameters: (none)
Return: struct Sequence : the instance of the Sequence struct conataining the sequence string and the dot bracket structure.


Takes an RNA sequence as input and calculates the maximum number of pairs that are possible such that there are no sharp turns or knots.

void solve(const std::string& str)

Computes the maximum number of matching base pairs in an RNA sequence using dynamic programming. The function updates a DP table based on valid RNA base pair matches (A-U, U-A, G-C, C-G).


Return: (none)

void makePairs(int i, int j)

Recursively reconstructs the matching base pairs from the DP table and stores them in a list of pairs.


Return: (none)

void predict(struct Sequence seq)

Calls solve to fill the table, and makePairs to reconstruct the pairings, and finally outputs the results.


Return: (none)


Produces a URL as an output to which the user can navigate to for visualizing the secondary structure of the RNA sequence.

std::string dotEncode(const std::string& value)

Converts the dot bracket structure into an encoded form that can be passed over a URL.


Return: std::string - the encoded dot bracket string.

std::string getURL(std::string sequence, std::string dotStructure)

Generates the URL for visualizing the secondary structure of the RNA.


Return: std::string - the visualization URL.

void visualize(struct Sequence seq)

calls the getURL(std::string, std:string) function that generates the URL.


Return: (none)